Variable Annuity is a unique investment option usually offered by many insurance companies in the US. If you reside anywhere in the US, you can secure you future by investing in several annuities. Variable Annuity is only one of the major kinds of annuities that can also pay you especially when you invest in it with understanding.
You have the opportunity of investing in diverse investment options such as mutual funds, bonds, stocks as offered by the insurance company you’re dealing with. You simply make purchase payments for the investment options you choose while the insurance company pays you the dividends or income at agreed intervals.
The payout in a Variable Annuity depends on how your investments thrive in the money market. Prevailing economic conditions can cause increase or decrease in the value of the investment. Hence, you’ll be ready to lose or gain from your investment. It’s always very important to invest in diverse investment opportunities in order to forestall losses when they begin to occur. You may lose in one investment and still cover the loss in another investment option, which is doing well.
To make the most out of Variable Annuity, you’ve got to know more about its features. The features may vary according to the insurance company involved, but you’ll still find most of the features discussed below in various kinds of variable annuities.
You’ll get to know about Flexible Premium which is actually the lump sum you pay as your initial purchase payment. You also get to know about equity investment. Here you find investment options such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You’re free to invest in many of them in order to diversify your investment and prevent excess losses in situations where the market declines.
You also need to know about Flexible Risks involved. You may attract losses when your investments are not doing well as a result of economic conditions. You also need to know about Variable Returns, which are the monthly paychecks you may be receiving. This depends on the agreement you have with your insurer.
There’s always what is known as Fixed Rate Option which is a kind of money market sub-account. It can easily turn your annuity fixed rate as time goes on. You also need to know more about the various conditions that apply when you go for Variable Annuity. It’s always very important to be properly informed before you decide to invest your money.
All over the US, several insurance companies have come into the annuity business. Some of them also offer bonus credit when you invest. However, many of the variable annuities with bonus credit attract higher expenses in the course of time. You may end up spending more than you’ll gain from the bonus credit. Hence, it’s always important to be properly guided when thinking of investing in any annuity option. A reliable financial adviser will always come to your aid if you care to locate him or her. You should never rush into making purchase payments for any kind of annuity if you’re confused about the features.