It is easy to apply for home insurance; your agent will assist you by creating a quote in a second and approving your policy in a flash. But most problems arise when it is the time for you to make a home insurance claim. You will be surprise that your once accommodating agent will become a skittish one when you drop the word ‘claim.’
It is easy to file a home insurance claim, but winning one is not always the case. Insurers will always find reasons (or excuses, as other’s claim) to reject your claim. Among the reasons are that your claim is not within the coverage, the period within which to file a claim has elapsed or your claim exceeds the amount that is actually ‘claimable.’
So, in order for you to win a home insurance claim, why not follow some of these steps? Primarily, assess your claim situation. Is it your first time to file a claim for the first two to three years of paying for the policy? If yes, is your house immensely damaged? If not, it would be better not to file for a claim at all. You would not know when a devastating damage will struck your home. It is best to save your insurance claim for something bigger rather than small. Insurers will likely to grant one claim for a huge damage than many claims for small ones.
Afterwards, immediately after damages or losses have been sustained, call your agent to report the incident and ask him for an application to file claim. Ask him of the period for filing and where exactly to file. Although you may have an idea how to file for a home insurance claim, it would be best if the instructions on how to file for one comes from him. It would even be better if you put your query on paper. This way, you will be assured that everything is document.
If you file on time and you think that your claim is meritorious (just re-read your policy to know if your claim is valid or invalid), you can expect for a fast turnaround of a home insurance claim.